950 Years of Rockingham

2022 marks the 950th anniversary of Rockingham Castle

Rockingham Castle Embroidery Project for 950 Year Anniversary

To mark our 950 year anniversary in 2022, a commemorative embroidery project will be displayed within Rockingham Castle, produced by the hard work of local residents and castle tour guides. The embroidery project has taken over two years of planning and production on site at Rockingham Castle, and has now been completed in time for our anniversary year.

The plans for the embroidery project started back in 2019, with the extensive process of designing each element of the design. The design of the embroidery was carefully thought through to represent various key moments in Rockingham Castle’s history, from the instruction of William The Conqueror, to the Saunders Watson family residing in the Castle today.

The Rockingham Castle 950-years embroidery will be on display within the Castle very soon for all our visitors to enjoy as it tells the story of our prosperous and triumphant history.